A stay at Fouta Djalon is made of shared moments of life with ease. When the little things of everyday life “take back” value, when the simple things are not so much, when one feels far away and close at the same time, ..


When you discover or rediscover that the preparation of a daily meal is certainly simple but can present some complications and occupy a good part of the day :

wood for fire may need to walk a few kilometers to pick it up,

the water for cooking the rice can ask to go to the well to pump the water with the strength of the arms,

locally produced rice may also require to be “cleaned” for a long time before cooking,

cooking with a wood fire can take a long time,

and more if you want bread then, …. Often, moreover, one finds only the days of market …


When you discover or rediscover that games or toys made of 3 times nothing brings the children joy and sharing, with ease.


So you say “yes”, simplicity has value, and you do not live your days the same way.

This is also a trip to Fouta, far from his habits and his certainties …


Thanks to Mélissa R for her daily photos and Josephescu for the car photo.